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Fireplace Has Better Heating Effect Than Air Conditioner

Author£º Date£º2024/8/21 8:41:37 Visits£º

Compared to fireplace , air conditioning has a poorer heating effect, slower indoor temperature rise, and makes the indoor air dry and uncomfortable. When the room temperature is below -10 ¡æ, the air conditioner loses its heating capacity and cannot achieve the required heating effect. The heat transfer of a fireplace is similar to that of the sun, mainly through thermal radiation and natural convection. fireplaceThe center of the fireplace can reach several hundred degrees, and the temperature gradually decreases in a fan-shaped pattern. The uneven temperature creates convection in the air, regulating indoor humidity and bringing balance to human habitation. The heat of radiation, like sunlight, contains infrared rays that can kill bacteria and drive away moisture, making people feel very warm and comfortable.

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